This walk is all about steep hills and rewarding beautiful views of San Francisco so fuel up and let’s do it!

We started our day at Pier 39 with some fish and chips and payed a visit to local sea lions. From there we walked towards the Fisherman Wharf past Beautiful Ferry Arch at Pier 43. I couldn’t go past numerous seagulls without taking a hundred pictures. Can’t help it, I really like those smart birds. Another cool thing to see and do in that area is Musee Mecanique – an antique coin operated arcade museum. Even if you are not into arcade games, it’s still worth a visit and admission is free.   

We took Hyde Street all the way up taking pictures of the iconic San Francisco trolley as we were walking until we reached the Lombard street. It’s a fun and interesting place to be but I am going to tell you right away that you won’t be able to see the curve from the street level. Hope you will enjoy the time-lapse I made there.

From the lower part of the Lombard street curve it’s a nice 20 min walk mostly downhill to the Telegraph hill. As the name of the street suggests there is another hike up this time to the 210-foot Coit Tower. We got there by sunset so the tower itself was already closed but we still enjoyed the nice views of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco skyline. Now take the scenic Greenwich Steps down towards Embarcadero past Levi’s Plaza and finish your day with a well deserved dinner at the quaint Pier 23 cafe with its waterfront seating.